By: Kevy Wevy AKA Kevykins
As you will notice from the picture, there is a table with an interestingly placed bowl partially filled with milk. As you will also notice, the bowl filled with milk is not just interestingly placed on the table, but it is placed at the most extreme edge of the table. As of now you are probably asking yourself the same question that has puzzled me for months. Why? Why is the bowl there? Why is the bowl placed on the corner of the table when there is plenty of room to accomadate it elsewhere? There is in fact, plenty of room to put the bowl in the middle of the table as to avoid cleaning up a mess in case of a spill. Well, after months of cleaning up diet coke, orange juice, and milk, I have determined that there is no answer to this question. It's like the chicken and the egg. In fact, I don't even think the culprit knows the answer.