Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What's in a name?

To me, a name is a defining part of life. I think that people make instant assumptions and biases based solely on someone's name. Just think of all the kids that get teased because of the names that their parents lovingly gave the and that those same parents thought was adorable. I know some people have had the names that they want to name their future spawn picked out from childhood.  I can't say that I have that problem, but I do have a problem over-thinking this issue.  If I knew of someone with a particular name, I associate them with other people of that name. I don't want to think of some stuck-up jerk, or annoying kid every time I see that darling face that is made from my DNA. I can't get into the Mormon trend of making up strange names. Once again, you aren't giving your poor child a fighting chance unless it is a method of toughening them up, but I think there are better ways. They are the ones tied to that poor name forever.  
So why am I talking about this? Well, my husband and I have some pretty different ideas of what is an appropriate name. We will only discuss male names because he "only makes boys". In fact, he told me that if it is not a boy, I have some explaining to do. (is there an emoticon for eye rolling?).  Well, for those of you that know us, we have discussed names of our spawn for quite some time. It started back about 6 years ago when we were hiking Angel's Landing in Zion's National Park.  Kevin saw carved in stone the name Klaus. Since then, he has had this horrible idea make that the name of his first born son, but not just Klaus, Klaus Nicholas. You know, his nickname could be Santa, or St. Nick. Well, that was the starting point. His love for America and the founding fathers has had him wanting a George Washington, Thomas Jefferson (the elder statesman), and Abraham Lincoln.  His 'refined' side loves the name Giorgio Armani Hill.  His narcissistic side loves Fitzkevin Darcy (I'd actually go for Fitzy),  Kevin-Kevin, or Kevlar.  His athletic side wants Truman (the Truth), or FAMOUS Hill (just call him Fame) and these are just a few.  
I can only say 2 things. I either hope we have a girl, or it is a really good thing that we are both big, so our kid's will be able to defend themselves when they get bullied.